This photoshoot was done on my property in San Tan Valley, Arizona. I stepped back and let the kids do what kids do while I captured pictures along the way. In my experience with kids, and believe me, I’ve got a lot of it… is you have to let them be kids. As a mother, it’s natural to want to wrap your kids up in bubble wrap and keep them close by at all times but sometimes the best thing for them is letting them spread their wings. Let them climb things, let them find rocks and flowers for you to collect in your pockets, let them fall down and learn how to get back up. Don’t squash their sense of adventure or their curiosity for life. Let them question why things are the way that they are, even if that means answering a million “Why’s”. That’s where the true joy of children lies. Every time I get to do a photoshoot like this where I get to step inside the world of children for an afternoon, I am so thankful. I am thankful that even though the world is quickly changing and is a lot different now than when I was a kid, the adventurous spirits and curiosity of children is still alive and well.